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Old 10-15-2007, 01:04 PM   #3
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I tell them that is a biologic treatment that uses antibodies similar to what our own bodies use to fight infection. If they show more interest, I go into greater detail, maybe this is my biology background kicking in. The nurses at the hospital said that I was very good at explaining things. It may help that i have taught nursing students.

What the herceptin does is to bind to receptors for human epidermal growth factor that are overexpressed (the cancer cells make too many) in certain breast cancer cells. Think of receptors as little stickies in the cell membrane (the outer covering of each cell is composed of molecules, some of these are proteins, that act as receptors) that stick out and interact with a specific protein (human epidural growth factor, in this case). When you get an infusion of Herceptin you are getting an untold number (I am sure there is an approximate number but I am too lazy to look it up right now) of antibodies that also stick to the receptors and keep the growth factor from being able to enter the cell. This helps to limit the growth of the cancer. These antibodies are produced in a laboratory using cells from the ovaries of Chinese Golden Hampsters, leaiding to the thread about TipToe. This is simplistic but I hope it helps.

In the world of destiny, there are no statistics.
Jan. 26- mammogram and ultrasound- suspicious lump
Mid-February- lumpectomy, infiltrating ductal carcinoma ~4.5 cm and a 1 cm DCIS, did not get clear margins, did not check lymph nodes
ER+/PR+, her2 +++, nuclear grade 3 of 3
February 20-PET scan showed something on liver. No biopsy.
March- Started carboplatin, herceptin, taxol on a four week cycle
May 3- Pet scan, with intent to do a biopsy, found nothing, liver or breast- no biopsy because there is nothing to biopsy
June 21- new onc, very concerned that there had been no biopsy,
June 18th-CAT scan, bone scan-negative
August 7th - Brain MRI-negative
August 9th- mastectomy, all pathology negative
January 2008 still NED! New oncologist -herceptin for full year after chemo- until July, and tamoxifen---negative scans since May '07
July 2008-Finished Herceptin!
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