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Old 10-07-2007, 08:18 PM   #4
Sandy in Silicon Valley
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Posts: 76
scary to wait to hear what your doc has to say...

Hi, Vanessa -

It's such an anxious time - waiting for results...

When I had some similar symptoms - not falling, but loss of balance and dizziness - my oncologist also sent me for a brain MRI, and then called me into his office on short notice.

In my case, it turned out that the culprit was a fairly large (robin's egg- sized) bcmet tumor in my cerebellum (balance center). It had grown from nothing to that size in only 10 months, and was too big at that point for stereotactic radiation surgery (SRS - CyberKnife). It was near the surface of my skull, and fortunately, it was encapsulated, and the entire met was removed surgically.

I still have occasional balance/vertigo problems, but am in physical therapy and am almost back to normal, almost 2.5 years later.

I have no idea if your situation is going to be similar to mine, or very different. In your shoes, I'd be very anxious, too - and, in fact, I get anxious over scan results in general, each and every time, whether the doctors' concern gives me the jitters or not.

That your doc told you to take some Decadron before she sees you may indicate that she thinks there's there might be swelling in your brain, that she wants to control - but maybe not.

Just writing to let you know that there's someone out here who's been through the agonizing wait, imagining, and then received bad news, and got through it. I hope that your news tomorrow is much better than what you might be imagining!

Whatever you find out tomorrow, I'm pulling for you to make a full recovery, and to be able to hold that baby granddaughter in your arms with confidence - no more falls!

Sandy in Silicon Valley
1992 - age 44/ ER-/PR+ Stage II dx - mastectomy, CAF x 6 cycles; Tamoxifen
1997 - BRCA1 mutation dx'd
1998 - ovaries removed
1999 - off Tamoxifen, on Arimidex
2003 - dx'd Stage IV - lymph nodes & lungs. ER-/PR-/HER2neu+++.
Tx: Herceptin & Taxotere (6 cycles).
2005 - 2.9cm x 3.6cm brain tumor. Craniotomy, CyberKnife. 9 mo. staph aureus infection at incision site - 2nd craniotomy. Two small brain mets CyberKnife'd.
2006 - revisit Xeloda - dosage lowered to 2500mg/day, 5 cycles.
2007 - "spot" dx'd on qtrly brain MRI - same location as CyberKnife 7/05. > by 2-4mm per quarter - - radiation injury or re-growing cancer? Tykerb added to Herceptin - July, still "watching & waiting". Otherwise, fully functional...

"The majority of people are not only afraid of holding a wrong opinion, they are afraid of holding an opinion alone." Kierkegaard
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