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Old 10-07-2007, 08:09 PM   #1
kat in the delta
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kat in the delta

I have always heard of finding the" NEW ME" after treatments and have discovered that the NEW ME IS really the "OLDer ME"-with all these damages from the chemos, rads,possibly surgery, and HERCEPTIN, too.
I am Still in PAIN..., and the ONCS will not believe me until they SEE a Recurrence.. I wish I could give them some Adrimy/Cytox, then 12 doses of Taxol or enough so they couldn't feel their fingers or toes, then add some rads. during the same time, and finally top it off with that Final Year of "Herceptin " . None of the ONS (I HAVE BEEN TO) will talk about the long-lasting side effects of all these combined treatments . Then, it is too late.--- a year, then another year or so may pass by and you still feel like s- - t !!!--still in PAIN and maybe some neuropathy--even neuropathy never considered as such--like not being able to let go of Things in your left or right hand....probably more...+ if you have had surgery adn the removal of 1 or 2 breasts--and the Emotional IMPACT IT CAN HAVE ON A WOMAN !!
Yeah, they can rid you of the cancer and some are PROUD as roosters(if a man Onc.) , but WHAT nobody tells you is that all of these chemos., rads, and surgery-....Can and wWILL usually cause a lot more Devestion to your body, than the Cancer itself !!
But WHO WILL TELL YOU THIS WHEN YOU BEGIN ?? Not the Oncs, they need some $$$$$ and then they tell you when all has been done and there is no evidence of disease :
that you do NOT have Cancer ..anymore..!! Voila --get in the kitchen and start cleaning(family thinks). The ONCS are so Proud of the fact that , if you are so lucky, THEY HAVE GOTTEN RID of your cancer..-for the time being at least--..and now YOU ,"ALONE" , can now try to COPE with any and all thePAIN and Forgetfulness and Neuropathy, and any HEART DAMAGE-causing poor circulation and swelling in your feet and ankles,etc..and causing poor circulation if you see those Brown spots on your ankles,too.
ONCS, seem to fail in informing you about all of THIS when YOU 1st
begin your first and 2nd yr of treatment.

Have any of you had Oncs that DID talk about this at first or at all ?? I'd like to know.
RSVP ----- kat in the delta

Last edited by kat in the delta; 10-07-2007 at 08:51 PM.. Reason: missspelled
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