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Old 09-26-2007, 07:08 PM   #278
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: BridgeView IL
Posts: 116
Herceptin effects...

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me understand what I am going through. What an inspiration you are! I'm posting your comments on my refrigerator as my daily reminder to Live Strong. I took your advise and called the onc. for a refill on my pain meds. I too am afraid of becoming too reliant on them, but know for now they are necessary to help me work and do all that I need to do daily. I see him Monday and hope to have a bone scan soon and figure out what's the best way to handle this neuropathy. I have never been one for vitamins/supplements but now realize their importance. I met a new coworker and soon discovered she had bc in 1992, she only had surgery, no chemo., no radiation while at Micheal Reese hospital and has been cancer free ever since. I am overwhelmed by how much is truly involved with bc. The surgery, chemo, radiation, meds and numerous side effects. This disease just goes on and on, which is what makes it so scary for me. Especially taking Herceptin when no one really can tells us about long term effects and how it can effect our heart/lungs. Thanks again for your kind words. Have a great day.
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