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Old 08-16-2007, 01:00 AM   #14
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Virginia
Posts: 113
Please Don't Worry


You are in no way crazy!!! If you are then I am too and maybe more so and so are lots of other people, lol.

With everything that I and my family (Four of us, myself, my husband, sister & step sister) have been through recently we have been doing an extreme amount of praying. Each one of us individually has received what I can only classify as a supernatural occurrence. My sister was sleeping one night while here visiting and she was awoken by the feeling of the bedcovers being pulled tightly down towards the floor on each side of the bed, she said her first reaction was annoyance because she felt like she couldn't move, so while still in a groggy stupor she tugged the covers upwards and started to go back to sleep when it suddenly happened again, it only lasted a few moments just like the first time and then never happened again. She believes that it was either our Mother (who passed away from BC in 1995) or our Aunt (who not too long ago passed away at the age of 92) letting her know that they were there with us. Not long after my sisters visit I was admitted into the hospital over the weekend because they thought I had a blockage in my liver, luckily I didn't. While in the hospital the nurse noticed that I was not sleeping much at all due to the steroids I was on because of having had WBR just recently. Well, my husband was staying with me throughout most of the day & night while I was in the hospital but late at night he would go home to sleep because my step sister was also there with me in the hospital and she was staying the day's and night's with me. Well, one morning my husband came back to the Hosp. very early because we were expecting my Onc. to come by and to release me from the Hosp. When he arrived the nurse told him that I was finally sleeping and that she hated to wake me because it was the first time I had really slept since being there and that there was an empty room a few doors down that he could go lay down in or watch TV in until I woke up and that when I did she would come get him, so that is what he did. He was able to doze off and wasn't asleep for long when he was awoken by the feeling of someone sitting down on the bed but when he looked there was no one there but the feeling of someone sitting there still was, they only sat there a few moments before he could feel them leave. He believes it was his Mother (His Mom passed away from BC in 1990) or my Aunt, the same one who possibly visited my sister. The night my step sister, who is a big time skeptic of things like this, was able to leave and go home from her visit with us, she was laying in bed the night she arrived home crying thinking about me and ended up crying herself to sleep. She woke up in then middle of the night (she lives alone) feeling someone stroking the back of her hair in a very comforting way. It didn't scare her at all and again it didn't last for very long. She had the feeling that it was either my Mom or her Grandmother trying to comfort her. Just 3 nights ago while I was on the computer my computer started acting up, doing crazy things with the cursor while in a keyword box and making a beeping sound that sounds exactly like the box used in the infusion room when your bag is empty (My sister had a very similar thing happen to her just days before on her computer). My computer has never made a beeping sound like this before and it lasted for quite some time. My husband and his best friend happened to be standing behind me and my chair at the time because we were looking at a picture of one of their camping trips, they too thought it was very strange that my computer was making this beeping sound and the cursor was going crazy all in it's own. All of a sudden I had this overwhelming feeling that it was my 92 year old Aunt that I mentioned above (She was more like a Grandmother to me) and I said to my husband and his friend "Oh My Gosh! That is my Aunt Mary" and as soon as I said her name the beeping and the cursor stopped, I took in a big gulp of air and looked at my husband and his friend and as soon as I looked back at the computer screen the beeping and the cursor did it again for a few minutes and then stopped. I said "Oh my Gosh, I just know that is her, I have to IM my sister and tell her what just happened." When I first placed the cursor in the IM box to IM my sister the cursor again started to act crazy so I grabbed the mouse and started typing to my sister about what had just happened and was able to type quite a bit and as soon as I typed my Aunts name the cursor acted crazy for a few seconds even though I had my hand on the mouse, it only did it for a few seconds and then stopped and hasn't done it since.

Whether or not we are each right in thinking we know who it was that was visiting us and trying to comfort us doesn't really matter because we all felt with overwhelming feeling that it was a loved one who had passed on and who was trying to comfort and soothe us and to let us know that they were watching over us and that everything was going to be okay. Even my step sister the skeptic is now a believer. These kinds of things have happened to myself and to several members of my family over the years many, many times. Oh the stories I could tell you, you would probably be calling the white coats on me, lol. I think it happens to people often who are open and intuned to the thoughts or beliefs that there is life after death. I believe that Spirits and Angels come to people freely when they are most in need. Some people recognize it right away for what it is and some people try to find ways to explain it that have nothing to do with the after life. I feel sort of sorry for those that do that because they lose so much from the experience as oppossed to those people who recognize it for what it is and are able to gain so much from it.

I don't know if anyone watches Montel Williams or not but on every Wednesday he has a psychic on named Sylvia Brown. She has helped the police solve many missing persons cases and even has helped sketch artists and detectives in murder cases. Some people think she is a kook but I think she is authentic, I have watched her for years and the information she is able to give to people is often times incredible, she can give names and details of things that there is no way anyone else would know about except for the person who is asking her questions. She has written many, many books that are very interesting. I don't always agree with her on her beliefs of the after life but I do believe that she has a true gift from God and I am glad that she seems to use it for the true purpose of helping others and not like most psychics who are fake and who are only in it to try to make a buck. If nothing else she is worth watching on Montel on Wednesdays because it is so fascinating to watch.

Sherry, I truly believe that what you saw was an Angel and that he or she was there to comfort you and to let you know that you and yours are not alone and that your prayers are being heard. If you felt comforted in any way by what you saw and had no feelings of being truly alarmed, frightened to pieces or threatened then definitely take it as an Angel of peace and love. If you had any feelings of the opposite then I would take it as the great deceiver trying to shake your faith and confuse your thoughts. If this is the case then pray to God and Christ and tell Them that you rebuke the great deceiver and that you want Them to build a wall of armor around you and yours to protect you from anything having to do with him. If you had positive feelings about the experience then pray to God & Christ and thank Them for sending you an Angel as a sign of Their love and as a source of comfort. If you aren't sure either way then pray that God will send you the Holy Spirit to speak to you and to reveal the truth about what you saw, after you ask for this in your prayer quiet your mind of all thoughts, like in a meditative state and wait for a strong thought/voice that you know is not of your own making and that will be the Holy Spirit giving you God's answer.

Sorry this was so long but I truly hope that it has helped you some and not confused you more or made you think that I am a total nut job, lol. If you want to talk more about it please send me a private message and I will talk to you for as long as you want and about whatever you want to discuss, this goes for everyone on the boards as well.

You and yours are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Sending you lots of good vibes of comfort, peace, love, good health, never ending happiness. and that you and yours always have enough of whatever you need.

Love & God Bless,

March 18, 2004, Age 36
Diagnosed: High Grade DCIS, Microcalcifications, Solid and Comedo type, Nuclear grade 3 with 1mm margins, ER+, PR+, Stage "0"
3-8-04 Left breast lumpectomy.
4-1-04 thru 6-24-04 Adjuvant XRT.
11-29-05 Gallbladder attack.
12-01-05 Surgery to have gallbladder removed, discovered cancer spread throughout liver in both lobes, HER2+ amplified by FISH and interestingly enough negative for ER and PR.
12-9-05 Clinical trial consisting of Tykerb, Taxol and Herceptin along with Zometa once a month. On clinical trial for 15 months before liver mets started progressing. Started on Navelbine 3-9-07. Navelbine failed, switched to Gemzar July 07. MRI of the brain on July 7, 07. Results revealed multiple brain tumors. Taken off of Gemzar immediately and began 15 rounds of WBR which I completed on July 26, 07. CT scan on 7-26-07 significant progression in the liver mets. I am now getting ready to start on Xeloda along with Herceptin and Zometa once a month.
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