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Old 08-08-2007, 12:25 PM   #18
Stephanie B.
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Location: Bakersfield, CA
Posts: 66
I am so sorry you are hurting so badly. Have you tried Glucosimine Condroitun (Sp??). Someone suggested I tried that and it really helped with the numbness in the fingers and toes. I do have one toe that never completely recovered from my first round of Taxol (finished 4/06) and now seems worse with this round (Bi-weekly since 02/07). I do hurt between treatments, but it does seem less painful with bi-weekly treatments than it did with every 3 weeks. I do know that my taste buds are off for about a week and then go back to normal. I did get mouth sores a couple of months ago and they gave me something to swish around in my mouth - although I'm not sure the taste was worth it.

I understand about your kids. My son would roll his eyes everytime I got sick on A/C. He was five at the time and now seven. He is a great support though. Kids are a lot tougher than we give them credit for.

Hang in there. You will get back to almost normal soon.

Stephanie B.
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