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Old 08-08-2007, 01:51 AM   #14
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If I could jump through this screen and give you a big hug I would. I so can relate to what you are saying. I just finished my last TCH treatment (#6)today. I GOT there!!!
Only three weeks ago #5 I laid in bed and just sobbed in my husbands arms saying I didn't think I could make it to through #6. The severity of my side effects have varied with each treatment. #1 I was hospitalized twice, # 2 alittle better (they reduced the dose) I was in Arizona then. I moved back home to alaska and a new ocologist who totally screwed me up. I was hospitalized again with #3 but I think alot was the Dr. So again a new doctor and #4 not so bad.
#5 the one three weeks ago I literally could not get outta bed for 2 days and then slowly regained my footing. If there has been a side effect I think I've had it.
As I just got my last today so who knows what the day will bring these next week or so.
I hope this will help. B vits are good but the best advice I got from my doctor on the neuropathy (I also had hand and foot syndrome where my skin peeled off) was B6 150mg every day that is important in that it helped me alot. I was already on Neurotin before the cancer because of fibromyalgia and a sleeping problem but it also works for neuropathy.
Have they ever considered reducing your dose? Neuropathy is one of the reasons my Arizona Doctor says qualifies for a dose reduction. But they reduce mine because my intestines were trying to block after the first dose and because of the hand an foot. My doctor there is very good and I have alot of respect for his knowledge, this has been reinforced after seeing two other oncologists. While I was afraid to reduce the dose he explained to me that the dosages are only guidelines and you have to take each patient individually. While he didn't reduce it alot it made a difference. So that is something to consider.
Crazy????? Oh yeah. I chocked some of it up to the steroids. But this is also a emotional roller coaster on it's own. Trying to handle a seven year old in the process...well someone should tie a red warrior headband around your head. Your a champ!!! Take help where you can get it. That's been probly the hardest thing for me to do when I'm down in the trenches of this battle. I've always been a independent person.
Brushing with baking soda probly help my mouth alot. Brushing and sometimes when it was real bad a gargled with it too.
I take AmbienCR which combined with the Neurotin has helped me sleep. I can usually get at least 4 hours. The sweats from being throw head first into menopause are so bad sometimes every 10 minutes it's usually what keeps me awake or wakes me up also I developed this restless leg thing that keeps me from going to sleep. So I'm tickled with 4 hours. It's almost impossible for me to sleep on the steroids. so I only take them the day b4 and 2 days after now.
I won't say "you only have two to go" because #5 is only too fresh in my mind. Everyone kept telling me that "only one more to go" when I broke down. I felt like yelling at them "YOU HAVE NO CLUE!" (we're crazy remember LOL) At the point 1 more felt forever and more than I could think about.
It helped me to think in inches instead of miles at that point. For about 5 days I really had to lower my expectations of myself. Think of minor (or minute) goals for each day and as you accomplish them hug yourself for me. Forget guilt!!!! It is obvious from your post you are a incredible lady please for these next few weeks allow yourself a little break and delegate to others. you don't have much further to go on the TCH journey. Get a body massage, get your hair done, stay in bed one whole day and watch your favorite movies.
Your right behind me in treatment and we'll celebrate together!
Please also have your Dr. consider a reduced dose if your neuropathy doesn't ease abit.
As is obvious from all the posts are hearts are with you!
dia 4/07 stage 3 grade2
4.3cm w/enlarge lymph nodes;
er/pr-,HER2+++;Ki67 55%
TCH X3 every 3wks till 8/7/07,
Herceptin till 4/4/08
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