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Old 08-01-2007, 12:27 PM   #18
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Posts: 329
My dx was in December 2004 with stage IIIC IBC, so reconstruction was out of question, I finished chemo in March 2005, Left Mastectomy one week after, then radiation (25 sessions) and Herception for one year, in 2006 I statred thinking about reconstruction, I'm physically very active and I hated the way I felt during exercise. After lots of reserach I did DIEP in January this year 1st stage and 2nd stage in June. I was one of the lucky one with no problem and very fast recovery (1 week after each surgery). I'm glad I did it and I know I would have had another opinion if it would turned out to be difficult. infection, extra surgery etc...
I have scars, but it feels like old one, I can go with or without bra, and they look great.
For people who are happy with no reconstruction, I salute them and I think they are doing the right thing.
For people who want to do the reconstruction there are several issues I recommend to consider:
- First you have to be very healthy: good immune system, strong heart, no any other problem, because the surgery is no joke.
- Second, get the best PS to do the job for you, I went to NOLA and I had the best Doctor.
- Like any other things in life, there is no guarantee and you take a chance doing this.
For me I thought if I 'll be around for 1, 2 or more years I would be happier to have breast. This is totally personal. On the other hand I feel guilty becuase the amount of money I spent to do this surgery (I'm from Canada, and do not have insurance in US. I could have done it in Canada 100% free, but for DIEP we don't have the best PS) I could build a school in Africa. But I decided to make sure I'll build a school in Africa, before I die and that is for sure.
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