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Old 07-30-2007, 08:13 AM   #10
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Boston
Posts: 66
Dear Nicola -

You didn't say what size the brain mets are, but if they are discernable enough to measure, you should ask your dr about Gamma Knife or CyberKnife (essentially the same) for the visible brain mets. I think of WBR as a precautionary skim-coat of radiation to arrest potential microscopic mets. My sister had WBR after 3 larger mets were removed by surgery. It's my understanding that you can only have WBR once, but focalized Gamma Knife (which is stronger radiation on the met alone) can be used in addition to treat specific mets visible on an MRI. You want to do whatever you can to stop them when they are small. My sister has had CyberKnife focalized radiation several times over the last couple of years to treat new small mets as they appear, and it's stopped them. She is now on Temodar, an oral chemo which crosses the blood-brain barrier, and Sorafenib, an antiangiogenesis drug similar to Avastin. Her MRIs have been clear since she started on that rx in Feb07.

My sister gets Herceptin every 3 weeks, and it has kept the rest of her body clear, post-mastectomy. I don't know if Temodar/Sorafenib would be helpful with liver mets or not, but it's certainly something to discuss with your oncologist.
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