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Old 07-29-2007, 05:22 PM   #4
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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My heart goes out to you. I can only begin to image in the impact of constant anxiety.

Rant away vent and get it all out.

I know it sounds trite but have you looked at diet and particularly the omega threes (and reducing the omega sixes) as an adjuvant treatment.

There are several trial suggesting that brain tumours show lipid imbalances (Excess six and lack of three).

May be you would like to discuss it with your onc. I will post or send you some trial references if that would help.

A balance of omega threes and sixes and adequate supply of DHA (and EPA) is essential to brain function. It is exceeding complex and I do not pretend to understand it all but it is clear the omega threes and sixes play fundamental roles and imbalance may contribute to impaired function.

Fish oil is the best source in combination with general dietary principles - The Breast Cancer Diet Rhondah's - The Greek diet -posts etc

If you have already dealt with diet please excuse my post.
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