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Old 07-21-2007, 10:54 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 16
Exclamation Anybody with experience of Quadramet and/or Sorafenib?

After having virtually exhausted the entire arsenal of available drugs for breast cancer, and still showing signs of disease progression, I am now wondering what other options I have.
My onc wants to go back to anthracyclines (Doxil) which I had when I was first diagnosed with metastatic disease. I decided to get a second opinion and talked to an American oncologist who recently moved here to Singapore.
Since I am suffering from significant pain from my bone mets, he suggested using Quadramet to first address that, and then going on to Sorafenib + Gemzar as the next line of treatment for the cancer.

I read up about Quadramet, but it seems to whack the bone marrow quite hard and I'm not sure how much relief it will give. After all the treatment lines I've been through, I reckon I don't have much marrow left.
Is there anybody out there who has been on Quadramet after having had long-term treatment for metastatic disease? If so, what was your experience.

Sorafenib worries me a bit since these kind of drugs which inhibit the formation of blood vessels for the tumours could apparently cause bleeding elsewhere. Since I've also had a craniotomy in the past for a brain met, I'm worried about the risk of brain hemmorhages if I take on this drug.
Is there anybody out there who's been on Sorafenib for breast cancer and who can give me some feedback on their experience.

My prayers & hugs to all of you
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