Thread: 2 things
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Old 07-11-2007, 07:41 PM   #5
Mary Jo
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I just reached my 2 year cancersary (I love that word - very funny) on June 24th so I've reached an important mark as well. I do not do tests of any kind. I've had both breasts removed so mammo's are no more Up until this point I was seeing my onc. every 4 months and blood is drawn but only to look at "normal" things as far as blood work goes. No tumor markers as my oncologists where I go seem to think they are unreliable and not worth the stress. For me personally, that is a good call because I don't like tests of any kind. I am examined thoroughly - asked how I feel - and sent on my way. This time I was told I didn't have to return for 6 WHOLE MONTHS and that excited me tremendously.

At this last visit my new onc. and I talked extensively about the "what if's" in the cancer world and my onc. feels that if cancer is found in April or in October doesn't really matter. Symptoms will present themselves eventually and he said overall survival is no longer with women who do the scans vs those who don't. He (they actually at the hospital I go too) feel that the stress etc. of tests and then "chasing after false positives" isn't worth it.'s pretty much a personal thing for each of us. What we feel comfortable doing. Me personally, I just want to move forward and the tests stress me way too much so I don't push for them. The one test my onc. did order was a MUGA. Seeing as I did the AC as part of my chemo and also had herceptin he wants to see where my heart stands at this stage of the game. Before chemo started my echo was 68. Three months after herceptin started my MUGA was 58 and that was the last MUGA I had. He thought it would be a good idea to see if there was any overall heart damage from treatment. I am sure not as I am an avid exerciser ie powerwalk/jog 4 - 6 miles per day and I'd think I'd notice something if I had a weaker heart but I am willing to have that test to see. A good idea I think.

Now for the supplement part of your question (man, I'm rambling huh?) I take 500 mg. of calcium with D once per day (I cut back on that after one of our members said we were being "overly calciumed" (I don't think that's a word) so instead of 1000 mg. I take 500 mg. because I do eat other dairy. I also take 500 mg. of magnesium, Cod liver oil with D & A and a separate Vit. D for a total of 1200 mg. of D per day. I TRY to get in 2 T of ground flax per day as well. That's it for me

Now for the good part - hehe - I live life to the fullest each and every day - I eat treats if I want too because life is short and I want too - I have an occasional beer or two or three because life is short and I want too. I smile mostly all the time and I thank God for all His blessings in my life and also all He has taught me through this breast cancer journey. I've learned a lot - I've grown - I've become happier than ever and I'm TRYING to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Hugs to you juanita. (and the rest of you also)

Mary Jo
"Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

Dx. 6/24/05 age 45 Right Breast IDC
ER/PR. Neg., - Her2+++
RB Mast. - 7/28/05 - 4 cm. tumor
Margins clear - 1 microscopic cell 1 sent. node
No Vasucular Invasion
4 DD A/C - 4 DD Taxol & Herceptin
1 full year of Herceptin received every 3 weeks
28 rads
prophylactic Mast. 3/2/06

17 Years NED

<>< Romans 8:28
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