Thread: 2 things
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Old 07-11-2007, 06:51 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

You'll probably get a lot of different responses, so take mine as just one opinion. You might request breast MRI instead of mammogram as there's been some recent evidence that MRI's find more problems earlier.

But other than that and regular visits to your oncologist--I think in my center it's every six months if no issues until five years, I can't think of anything else.

I would even say that if all is well to avoid tumor markers, but that's because they scare me to death. The time spent waiting for results drives me through the roof.

I am rather careless about supplements. Some days I'm taking about 15 and then I go along for a week or more and don't take any. But I am absolutely faithful to the flaxseed, three or four very large soup spoons on my oatmeal every morning.

You're doing well since your three year anniversary is coming up soon. From what I've read on this board, with HER2+ cancer, two years is an important marker and you've already passed that.

Hope you enjoy the book and congratulations on 3 years.
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