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Old 07-02-2007, 09:35 PM   #10
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Hi, Sheryl! Finally, I can answer someone else's question.

I had my second treatment of TCH two weeks ago, and while this protocol doesn't use Taxol, is does use Taxotere. They are in the same family.

I had the taste issues both times. My treatments are on Fridays, and by Sunday night, my tastebuds are SHOT. By the Monday a week after (so on Day 10) my mouth is back to normal and things begin to taste normal again. The last two days before that, it feels like I burned my whole tongue on pizza. Not painful, just numb and annoying.

The only "food" I have tasted and noticed that it didn't taste quite right was ketchup. It must be the acidity of the tomatoes.

I use Biotene mouthwash and toothpaste, as well as Prevident before bed each night. They all help.

Good luck!
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