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Old 06-27-2007, 11:04 PM   #1
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Update on my brain mets

I saw both my oncologist and radiation oncologist today. I will pick up my Tykerb tomorrow, but won't start taking it until Sunday as my husband and I will be driving 12 hours on Saturday, and I prefer not to enjoy any side effects on the trip!. I am choosing not to postpone a week's vacation to see my sister in Oregon. When I come back I will have 10 WBR treatments. It turns out I have 3 lesions in my cerbellum. One is 2 cm., and the other two are 1.2 cm. each. And I still have no symptoms!. Because the cancer is advancing in my bones and the lymph nodes in my chest, it makes sense to do the WBR to catch anything else floating about. I will begin Xeloda after the radiation, and if in 3 months everything has stopped advancing, I can have targeted radiation. It's not exactly the news I was hoping for, but it is what it is, and when I come back from Oregon, I will be ready to fight! I know I can still trust the One who made me from the beginning, and will take me through to be with Him!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!

Diagnosed 4/06, age 55
1.1 cm tumor
Pre-op x-ray caught lung nodules
6/06 - Stage 4, Her2+++, er/pr-
Mets to lungs(largest 3 cm), liver (largest 5.5 cm), and bones
Began taxotere, herceptin, & aredia
7/06 - radiation to lower spine & left shoulder for pain
8/06 - everything smaller
12/06 - stopped taxotere (toe infections)
5/07 - bone mets advancing
6/07 - add navelbine to herceptin & aredia
6/07 - discovered brain mets (3 in cerebellum, largest 2 cm.)
7/07 - WBR, change to Tykerb/Xeloda
9/07 - targeted radiation
10/08 - started navelbine/herceptin
2/09 - brain mets - targeted radiation
5/09 - mets in liver progressing, changed to Ixempra
7/09 - mets in liver still going, to the brain again, on gemzar now
9/09 - gemzar failed, started Doxil today

I know Who holds the future, and I know He holds my hand.
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