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Old 06-21-2007, 07:27 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 23
local recurrence after radiotherapy?

Dear all, I could really do with some advice. I was diagnosed in oct 04 with a 3cm her+++ tumour and 18 positive nodes. Prior to diagnosis I had cording in my axilla and a red flush on my breast. The tumour was not diagnosed on mammogram or ultra sound initially. Had chemo, radiotherapy to nodes and axilla and a lumpectomy. I have just finished 2 years of herceptin.
Three weeks ago I woke up with a red flushed breast that was swollen but no pain. (I had had a bad virus with a temperature prior to this and it continued for a further 2 weeks.) I immediately went to see my surgeon who put me on antibiotics and ordered a mammo and ultra sound and bloods. All the tests were negative and the swelling and redness went down somewhat. Now I am left with a more localised residual redness and a thickening after two weeks of antibiotics. My surgeon says cellulitis is common after radiotherapy - But over 2 years later? My question is - could the supposed cellulitis be a red herring is it possible to have local recurrence after radiotherapy or am I just being paranoid?
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