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Old 06-17-2007, 03:07 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 19
Just got home from the hospital

Hi Everyone:

Sometimes I can't believe just how kind everyone is on this board. The time you all take to respond to these posts are so wonderful.

Well, here I am again needing advice, support etc. You know after I was first diagnosed I felt stronger emotionally than I do at this point. The past couple of months I have stayed away from all things "cancer" (boards, books, etc.) just kept my nose to the grindstone and gone to my chemo appointments. I have just not wanted to think about CANCER! Then, after chemo this past Friday (my 7th. of 12 weekly Taxol/Herceptin) ran some errands and came home. Well, when I got home I sat down for a little while and when I got up I got dizzy, lightheaded and almost blacked out. I made it to the bedroom and had to lay down. I started having pain in my throat and perspiring and breathing heavily. Long story short, I ended up in the ER with my heart rate at 180. I ended up staying in the hospital for two nights until my heart rate converted back to below 100 and stayed there.

Now a cardiologist tells me that I will have to stay on this oral Diltiazem until after chemo and that I have a minor leak in one of my valves, so I will have to take an antibiotic anytime I ever have my teeth cleaned for the rest of my life. I know that taking an antibiotic is a minor thing, I guess I am just trying to wrap my mind around my body changing and negative news. I was so healthy before being diagnosed.

I don't mean to whine, or maybe I do. Has anyone gone through this heart issue?

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I really do appreciate it.

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