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Old 05-17-2007, 08:07 AM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: TN
Posts: 84

After speaking with so many people, to include my Priest, that has been the consenses. When I was in so much pain & so ill from the Navelbine, last year, I wanted to just give up. Coming here, to this forum, and talking with others, makes a BIG difference. To know others are working through it, that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel does give me hope.

As I am beginning yet another round of chemo, this coming Tuesday, I realize though sometimes sick, I have had new grandkids born. I have watched my oldest 3 grandchildren turn 12 this year...they think they are grown now.
We have moved into a new home, one we picked out, & in the country. My husband & I have grown closer. I have seen a sister & brother who I had not seen in 40+ yrs! I think we have all grown family, my husband....

Through all the heartache of cancer, I am stil here, and even on the days I think I want to give up, I realize, later, I really don't. My onc tells me, there is always hope. So, knowing there will be bad days, & good days, I plan on never giving up. I plan on watching my grandchildren grow to young men & women. And growing old with my husban in our home.

Blessings to all!
3/2003-Dx'd Stage 4 Her 2+++

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Dum spiro spero
(Latin: while I breathe I hope)
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