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Old 05-15-2007, 09:39 AM   #14
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Wink Treatment Done... All Gone?!

I remember my onc telling me, when I asked, that the side effects would persist -- maybe for a few mnths. 6 mnths later, 9 mnths, a yr -- I thought there was something wrong w/me. I'm not a complainer. I would only tell the doc my phys problems to kind of report them, in case they were a sign of something other than a side effect. I had read the side effects list and decided not to get any of them if possible. Some on the same chemo get up and go to work. I was shuffling, vs walking, weak, wobbly, shaky, light-headed, foggy brained and on and on. I asked a friend who had leukemia for 10 yrs about my ongoing symp still ongoing, despite the onc's prediction. Don't listen to them. They don't know what they're talking about (on this). His side effects lasted yrs. I felt better already. The neuropathy in my hands persisted for many yrs. The IBS which started w/Taxotere and Herceptin and continued after Taxotere, my onc said did not come from Taxotere. Coincidence? Maybe it's the Herceptin that I stay on since '98 and haven't THANK YOU GOD on bended knees, had a recurrence while staying on. Who knows. No, you don't just say at the end of treatment, OK, that's done. A done deal. You keep your eyes peeled, stay in touch w/your body, every single body part, on alert. You eat better. You read about every new revelation re cancer and esp bc. You tell your body every day to stay healthy and well. You command it.

You're so right. We don't just have bc and then walk away.

And, by the way, it's great that someone from this site is on TLC, but not in the background, in the red and black suit. A 4th stager has a lot more substance to add on the subject than Cheryl Crowe, or even Eliz Edwards. You want to give the audience the real deal -- put a group of savvy, happy 4th stagers up there who've been through hell and come out smiling. Just my opinion. ANDI
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