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Old 05-14-2007, 05:50 PM   #3
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 23

Dear Erin everyone is different of course -but I continued my cadio workout (for shorter duration) throughout my chemo and radiotherapy and went back to full time when I had finished treatment. I had an axillary clearance and radiation to my axilla which caused alot of breast oedema( which is not really the same as lymphoedema developing in your arm.) It has taken 2 years for this to subside but has not completely gone. I also started back on weights and pushups but was more concerned about damaging my shoulder than lymphoedema so I have taken up pilates instead as I felt there was more control involved and use heavy springs!
Personally I think the pumping action of the cross trainer helps the lymph return!!
I also have developed osteopenia and the physio who I do pilates with is hoping for a steadying of my bone density with her "heavyweight" regime!
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