Thread: Survivor Survey
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Old 05-14-2007, 02:15 PM   #17
Andrea Barnett Budin
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Wink I Wish You All Ned!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bailey you are fantastic. You are wise not to wish bad things for anyone. Negativity has a way of rebounding and boomeranging back to us. Feel sad for him and happy happy for you, as you should. Smart lady! If you KNOW you are going to survive -- YOU WILL SURVIVE! It's a Universal Law! Whatever you KNOW will come to be. KNOW you will be okay. Do not accept anything less. You have the power to draw your dreams to you, with the power of the energy of your thoughts. Consciously choose to think of victory as much of the day, every single day!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's your new job. Draw it to you. Don't ever give your power away to negativity, fear, anger, grief, resentment, remorse, louses in the world or the inability to forgive. That would mess up your energy and your life. Refuse to give your power away to any one or any thing. Ever. Love that you work out, meditate and do some yoga. You are so on the right course! YOU WILL BE AROUND FOR A LONG TIME because you KNOW it and BELIEVE in yourself. That's the Lesson cancer taught me. I try to share it with everyone I meet. No matter what your adversity, and we all have a few, take that Lesson and that Message and live in joy and serenity, well and in harmony.

Keep us all posted on your experience w/tykerb/xeloda -- and stay as beautiful as you are. You are clearly a Winner.

I too wish you ALL well. Wishing you all reach NED status (no evidence of disease). STABLE! Magical words, music to the ears. You are all potential miracles. Don't ever stop having faith in your power to give that to yourself! Much love, ANDI<!-- / message -->
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