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Old 05-01-2007, 01:59 PM   #6
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Sheila we know....

Miracles certainly do happen - and we should never ever give up! 25 yrs. ago I was expecting twins. At 7 months I went into early labor and lost both babies. Back then the dr's. did not have the methods available today. My husband and I were crushed. A yr later I was expecting again. I had surgery, stayed in bed for 6.5 months and delivered a full term beautiful baby boy. I knew when I was carrying this child that he was a special gift. The dr. started to exam the baby and said they did not know what was wrong but his muscle reaction was extremely low. After loosing the twins I just wanted to know he was breathing. He was alert and bright eyed, they put him in my arms and I was just in heaven and was not going to worry about his little muscles at that moment. My husband and I were told that the baby was born with an unknown muscle disease. We took him to every top specialist and they ruled out all the muscular dystrophies, cerebral parsley and neurological diseases, he was a complete unknown. We also went to a genetic specialist who found nothing. So we were left with a mysterious disease that affected my son so severely that I had to worry that he would not roll over and suffocate since he could not pick up his own head, his neck muscles were so weak. We were told he would never walk. I started physical therapy when he was only a few months old - five times a week. We made small progress the first year. By the time he was a yr old he was moving his head and able to sit up on his own without falling over. Strength came in small steps. He was bright and speaking many words by this time so I knew he did not have developmental problems in this area. He was a happy baby always responding, smiling, laughing and was our little blessing. By the time he was two yrs. he was able to scoot around on the floor on his bottom to get around. He still could not stand or pull himself up. I would put him on a three wheel scooter which he could push with his feet and was able to be ambulatory. I had my son in every possible therapy, swimming, PT, hand therapy,horse back riding, we went each and every day was filled with therapy with Sundays off. It was my full time job. The Dr. were now advising that I get him a motorized wheel chair. He was 4 yrs. old. I never gave up and kept searching - I was given the name of another dr. who is a surgeon at the hospital for Special Surgery in NY. He did not know what my son had just that he would attempt to see what he could do. The first surgery was six hrs. long. He was in a body cast for three months. He had major hip surgery and leg surgery. Nine months after surgery he walked -32 steps all by himself and as if this wasn't enough - this happened on Mother's Day! He has had 10 other surgeries since that time through the years. Today my son is 23 yrs. old - graduating with honors from college this May 19th. He is big and strong and no one would ever realize what this young man has been through. He works out, swims and leads a normal life. I am very proud of him. We never gave up no matter what the doctors told us. So my dear sisters - we can never give up. I pray each and every day for a cure (even another miracle)
for they do happen.

Sheila God Bless your beautiful grandchildren and they are truly blessed to have you in their life.
Stage 1, Grade 1, 3/30/05
Lumpectomy 4/15/05 - 6MM IDC
Node Neg. (Sentinel node)
ER+ 90% / PR-, Her2+++ by FISH
Ki-67 40%
Arimidex 5/05
Radiation 32 trt, 5/30/05
Oncotype DX test 4/17/06, 31% high risk
TOPO 11 neg. 4/06
Stopped Arimidex 5/06
TCH 5/06, 6 treatments
Herceptin 5/06 - for 1 yr.
9/06 Completed chemo
Started Femara Sept. 2006
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