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Old 04-18-2007, 03:36 PM   #2
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Posts: 105

Yes! Those drains are a pain and one day with them is too long, much less 37!! I just wanted to share with you why you may want to let the fluid dissipate and remain as patient as possible. Mine were taken out on day 14 and it was too soon, but I had an infection and I was in agony so he pulled them. Almost immediately, I developed a hug pocket of fluid in my right breast (a seroma) that has still not dissipated after 7 months. I also had a simple mastectomy on this side without lymph node dissection. I feel if I'd been able to keep the drain longer, it wouldn't have formed. The seroma has affected me wearing a prosthetic and at times, is sore. It is unsightly and will probably take another 6 months to disappear completely.
As long as your drainage is red/pink and not yellow/green/white, I'd not rush it. If it is still dark red blood and is not becoming pinker or lighter each day, I'd be concerned about a small bleed in a vessel, seeing as how you are still having so much drainage.
Hang in there and I hope this post helps in some small way...Love and luck to you

Steph C.
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