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Old 04-17-2007, 08:44 PM   #8
Sue II
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 1
Geez I feel really silly to be so reticent to discuss this topic that I got an anonymous email address so that this won't turn up if someone googles me. But I realize that these posts are not private and somehow the idea of, say, my kids, reading about my sex life just doesn't sit right. And these posts do show up when googled.

This is an important topic. I would like it if the responses could be split into those who have experienced a change in level of interest/libido, and those who have significant pain (which would lead to the first issue but is not really the same thing). There has not been a change in libido for me - that's never been high but I did always enjoy myself once things got going. But since chemo and two years of an AI (stopped the AI in 2004), the pain issue has increased to the point that we've pretty much stopped trying - just too much frustration and time involved I guess. It's not a lubrication issue, although in the beginning it seemed that it might be so. I use an Estring and we have tried every lubricant known to man. There's something else going on and it hurts and it takes a very long time to get past it. I've finally decided to address this no matter how embarassing it is to me to talk about it, and I have an appointment with my gynecologist next month to ask for help.

Is it too late to split the poll into 1. lost interest/libido, OR: 2. pain?

Anonymous for reasons stated above.
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