Thread: Wonderful site!
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Old 04-14-2007, 02:22 AM   #11
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Red face Thanks for all the replies

Sorry I haven't been back sooner. It was a rough week and now I am having trouble with my port. I think it willl be resolved next week. Can't sleep tonight, the decadron just won't let go. Any suggestions for that or do I just use Friday night to catch up on the net? I have several great emails form people on the board and my spirits are high even with the way I felt after last week's chemo and this mess with my port.
By the way, I may not catch all my typos. I raised and released a baby raccoon last year and there was one memorable day that I walked in to my my little technocoon shucking keys off my laptop like it was an ear of corn. He has moved on to the wild but my computer has never fully recovered. So please excuse my occasional lack of caps as this is one of the keys that still malfunctions.
I am excited to hear about all the women who are doing so well with the stage 4 diagnosis. In a couple of weeks I am having more tests done and hopefully they will clear some confusion about my liver. They have not done a biopsy and the Pet scan results were not completely clear. I hope they are wrong but there was activity in the scan.
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