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Old 04-03-2007, 01:30 PM   #10
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Karla--I had an echo last week and the LVEF reading matched what I had with Muga, so I would think the echo, which is less invasive, can confirm if the Muga is correct.

I've been on BP medication for almost twenty years now, including Vasotec, my first med. When I began treatment with herceptin, my oncologist and I discussed what would happen if my LVEF went too low. He said I would be given BP meds, which seemed strange to me, since I'm already taking them, but apparently that's the protocol. My cardiologist, who ordered the recent echo, seemed to know about herceptin and heart toxicity but I know that he also called my oncologist while I was getting dressed.

Since you're uncomfortable with his opinion, will your insurance permit you to see another cardiologist for a second opinion, perhaps after you've had the echo? Good luck in whatever you decide and congratulations on your great BP. I'm envious.
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