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Old 03-15-2007, 08:37 PM   #10
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Hi Myra,

I had massive anxiety before surgery and chemo and rads. I had problems with anxiety before cancer but dealt with it. Seeing an Onc every few weeks gave me the opportunity to say I need some help. I received a prescription for Ambien which I only used a couple of times. I also have one for Zoloft, which has also helped and continues to do so. They have also given me Ativan which they said to reserve for emergencies. Only have taken one. If you've had the anxiety before, it's some sort of imbalance that can be helped with meds. If it's new with the cancer, you may just need a little something until time heals all. And it will. You will be just fine with the Herceptin.

Do seek some sort of treatment. It's not worth suffering over. If used as directed, these are not mind altering drugs.
Good luck, Bev
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