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Old 03-15-2007, 08:20 PM   #29
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 5
Eligibility Restrictions

First, I want to thank you for taking these questions. My sister's oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering told us she would not be eligible for Tykerb because she was on Xeloda before ( or Zometa before ). She has advanced liver mets that have stopped responding to any other drugs ( Herceptin, Avastin) and we are out of options. They cannot operate either because of the location of the tumor. She has fought so hard to make it to the Tykerb approval date so we were devastated to hear that she would not be eligible. Tykerb is really our last hope. I am hoping that either her oncologist is mistaken or we misunderstood.

Does anyone know of any eligiblity restrictions?

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