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Old 03-14-2007, 11:01 AM   #4
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 143
Hi Tricia:
I also had a large tumor, lymph involvement and neo chemo. All I can tell you is that where you are at right now is very difficult. If you can feel any part of the tumor shrinking and/or softening, THAT IS GOOD and means that the chemo is working. Some women get tumor shrinkage but still have positive nodes after chemo, some get node clearance, but still have tumor left in the breast, some have a combo, a small percentage of lucky women get a complete response -- but that's not common. Try not to obcess about it (easy for me to say -- I think I tried to measure my lump and node area fifty times a day during neo chemo.) If they scan, you may get some info, but even scans are not always accurate. You won't know exactly how much is gone until they do surgery again. Just know, if any part of the palpable tumor is getting smaller, you are RESPONDING.
Good luck. Neo chemo is really hard emotionally -- you're dealing with the chemo side effects plus the steroids at the same time you're filled with worry about what will happen next.
Do anything you can during this time to take care of yourself. I had good shrinkage with neo chemo, but still had plenty of cancer left at surgery. (stage 3) Even so, I'm almost two years out and NED.
All my best
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