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Old 03-04-2007, 11:14 PM   #4
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4

Hi Misha!

Too bad we can't see into the future so we can make the best decision today. When I was first diagnosed in 2003 the mamo showed it was a very small tumor...could not be felt. I went through all of the options, talked to several doctors/surgeons, spent time with a breast cancer advocate, talked to those who had already gone through this process and then made the decision I felt was best for me. My doctor recommended a lumpectomy...I chose bilateral mastectomy thinking surgery would be all I would need.

In my case, I have not regretted that choice once...just the opposite. The small tumor had spread to the lymph nodes. We hit it hard with chemo and radiation. When it came back in 2005, we hit it hard again with chemo and started on Herceptin. After four months, NED; stopped chemo but continued Herceptin. Lymph nodes are involved again so have started on another chemo regiment.<O</O

All of this to say, I have never regretted my original decision and have never wondered "what if." That's really the question...what can you live with. Continue to explore all of your options and then make the decision that is best for you and the one you can live with...then don't second guess. May you find peace in the midst of this storm.

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