Thread: Skin mets?
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Old 03-02-2007, 01:44 AM   #4
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: UK
Posts: 20

Thank you so much for your reply. Yes, I too had the 'sandpaper' area. I was misdiagnosed with eczema! It wasn't until they felt the lump in my breast that they jumped into action. I had Taxotere for the lump but that didn't do much at all so I was put on Herceptin alone and that cleared it up completely. The skin has also healed nicely just leaving a few bumps but the red sandpapery look has gone.

My onc is keeping his eye on the few remaining nodules (they look like the ones you described) but they're not growing or doing anything so he is happy with them. If they do grow or more appear then I will be put on Capcitabine. So far so good though!

I feel so reassure reading your posts, Sandy. They make me feel that there is hope for me. When I was first diagnosed (for the second time, I had bc four years ago in my other breast and had a mastectomy) I went to pieces but reading posts like yours make me feel much better. Thank you so much, Sandy. God bless you.

Hope to chat again to you,

love and hugs,
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