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Old 03-01-2007, 08:27 PM   #8
Posts: n/a
Silver Sulfadiazine Cream

I had a very bad burn and rash during and after radiation. None of the creams they gave me at the radiation center worked, including biafine. I tried every cream, prescription and otherwise, and nothing worked. A good friend, a nurse, insisted that I push to get silver sulfadiazine cream. I did, and it worked amazingly well. I had instant relief for the pain and itching and within an hour the skin began to change color--red to white. It worked so quickly, it scared me silly. I thought I was losing my skin pigment. It continued to work and my skin looked wonderful in less than a week. Some doctors are reluctant to prescribe sulfur because it's an antibiotic and there's the fear of building up an immnuity. If you can get some, try it! I recommend it highly.
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