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Old 02-01-2007, 01:45 PM   #10
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Politics, politics, politics... they do tend to dampen the spirit of what this website is all about.

I do think we are all in agreement that cancer is a nasty disease regardless of the political affiliation of those who are afflicted by it.

My opinions regarding the DOD are based on the fact that I (yes, me, little schmo breast cancer patient) served on the panel that helped allocate the millions from the DOD to the well deserving 15 out of 65 institutions that qualified for grant dollars due to their innovative studies and research. The other 50 did not get anything because again, they were old research in a new disguise.

The intent of the DOD is to follow the congressional (bipartisan) thought that money was being wasted on re-inventing microwaves and downsizing mammo machines (which are obsolete -according to EVERY scientist on the panel) and other repetitive studies costing millions. Those decisions were projected by the panelists not the the government. I feel really proud that I serve on the DOD panel and that my decisions are helping find a cure for breast cancer.

I also became very aware there are very few qualified scientists in this country that are able to really provide the brain power to create new diagnostic methodologies and treatments... For the scientists that were there -studying the grants by judging whether they were based on "good science", I commend their efforts for keeping the program alive. Those dollars are the "seed" money for kick-starting pretty much the bulk of scientific research for breast cancer. Of those 15 institutions, only 3 or 4 will come away with a true innovation that will change how breast cancer is treated and or diagnosed. Then it goes through the FDA approval process and then we the people get it. All this is from our government dollars. Money well spent.

If anyone has a better way- prey tell.

My goal is to inform based on fact, not innuendo, insult or defamation of others' political affiliations. Really now, who cares? All that stuff has absolutely NOTHING to do with breast cancer. We are all in this boat together.

I will now get in my Hummer with my pink ribbon magnet that is next to my Save the Manatee license plate and go to the supermarket three miles away.

Is this country great or what?

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