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Old 01-30-2007, 04:21 PM   #5
Heart Sutra
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Well, yes there are other organizations that receive funding for research, not-for-profits are needed, a neccessity, now more than ever. Repetition in studies that have long since come to reasonable conclusion does exist, but these rarities are not what is being talked about here.

I can't imagine thinking an administration that repeatedly cuts funding for health and human services can even be remotely thought of as opening the flood-gates. This administration only finds floodgate switches for things that benefit... well you know the rest.

It gets worse, Bush signed an executive order that puts a political appointee into decisive roles of government offices dealing with Health, Safety, Environment, and (surprise) Civil Rights and Privacy. (N.Y. Times 1/29/07)

This means that where once upon a time all of these issues were influenced by civil servants and scientific experts, now the influence comes from someone who will promote this president's priorities in lieu of pesky evidence and facts that lead to opposing positions (for those of you who don't know his priorities, trust that you are not one of them) What do you think that will mean for all of us?
This is the most embarrassing regime...uh, administration, that we've ever soiled ourselves with.

So, count on more cuts, less research, don't dream of innovations or even mention (gasp!) certain cells, ...and wave that flag.

Only 720 days left....

Most Sincerely,

(off to write to Hillary)
---Kevin and Sue---

Dx'd 10/06 IDC grade III/III
Er- pr- HER2 3+
MRM right breast 12/5/06
nodes negative
same day reconstruction started
Stage II (2.2 cm tumor)
fairly extensive DCIS
Ct and Bone scans clean
Port placement 12/26/06
AC (4 cycles DD)to begin 1/2/07
Taxol/Taxotere (4 cycles DD)
Herceptin for one year

"There is no distinction between the one who gives, the one who receives, and the gift itself."- Hahn
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