Thread: Chemo sucks
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Old 01-20-2007, 05:48 AM   #11
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Sue - Yes chemo SUCKS!!!!! I hated every single second of it. I never realized that you could feel so rotten (physically and emotionally) and still be alive.

AC is the worst. I ended up doing the weekly taxol instead of the every other week. It was easier to tolerate after the AC kicked my ass. I ended up in the hospital for the weekend after my first dose dense Taxol. Keep the weekly option open. I actually felt pretty good on the weekly HT. My hair started growing back, etc.

You are half way done with the AC!!!! You hang in there!!!! And yes, lean on your hubby. It will help him too to know that he can help his wife, his love in her fight for her life.

Much love - kim
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