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Old 01-13-2007, 09:09 PM   #2
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It is the thought that counts!

Sue -
Chemo brain or not - it is the thought and spirit that counts! You were thinking of others and taking items to charity!

Lisa had several similar issues, and they are all endearing! Once her Onc ordered a whole series of tests and she forgot to schedule them! The following Monday, she called Rose at the scheduling office and she "re-arranged" several doctors schedules to accomodate the tests. A few days later Rose called to thank Lisa for the flowers. Lisa swore she did not send her flowers, but when we checked with tthe florist - sure enough she had!

We can fondly remember these issues with chemo brain or just LIFE. Once my Dad told me that if a family vacation went perfect we never talked about it. We always talked about and have family memories of the vacation when the tent leaked or the car broke down. Years later this still holds true when my sisters and I sit down and remember.

Lisa hated "transitioning" from a super-sharp business woman to a forgetful lady, and it sounds like there is a whole lot of similarity here. All that really mattered is she remembered to LOVE. You were thinking of others and taking items to a charity - thats the thought process that was important!

Thank you for being you.
Mel Gordon, Husband of Lisa Lowe - Queen of Love and Light and the bravest person I know!
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