Thread: My Last Day
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Old 01-11-2007, 03:18 AM   #13
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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hi Kriss,
Sorry you're going through a depressed period. Far from being your last normal day, this is the first day of your fight to beat your cancer.
Once you start the chemo, you'll feel better and you'll know you're doing something positve.
I had chemo once a week for 6 months and I think even though it was a bore to lose a day a week, I think my side effects were less than others. I had no nausea but they have very good medicine for that. Since I went to a cancer hospital it took all day instead of just a few hours and it was an hour or more drive away.
Books on tape are a wonderful distraction. And I love reading books so I read a lot when I was tired but could still read. I would avoid watching the news - it's such a negative assault on one.
You obviously have a good support system in place with your husband - remember what he must be going through and hopefully he has people he can turn to.
Staying positive is an absolute must.
Lots and lots of women get breast cancer and treatment is improving daily so you are not alone.
Watch your weight. I had no idea that I would put on 15lbs during chemo but my metabolism shut down. I wish I had known and kept an eye on my weight! I was relatively thin before chemo and since I'm not that motivated to diet, I am still a little chunky but hey, I'm enjoying life and so will you.
Don't take the side effects list too seriously, they have to cover all possibilites - your oncologist knows which are important and more possible. Remember how many women on this site have been taking them.
Good luck. and remember, you've just joined a wonderful club of men and women, who are happy to help you through your journey. I know because they've helped me so much.
all the best
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