Thread: Port to stay in
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Old 01-05-2007, 05:37 PM   #15
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Ports vary a bit, placement varies a bit, and anatomies vary a bit. My PCP's nurse had seen plenty of placements that worked well and those that hadn't (and had a child herself who died of cancer) and when it was time for my port to be put in she went to the surgeon and explained her opinions on just where and how deep it should be put in. Maybe he already knew best, maybe he listened, but by 2 weeks after my port was in I didn't know it was there and over the 4 1/2 years I've had it, it has never been a problem. HER2's are a minority, so I think my PCP was more comfortable with me leaving it in for a while. I'm just too practical to let it go, but if my lifestyle or job meant it showed all the time, or if it was uncomfortable, I'd take it out. I'm stage I (T1c). I don't use any thing to keep it open but I do get it flushed every 3-4 months. I just talked with my surgeon again about it in December, and he was fine with me keeping it.

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