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Old 01-05-2007, 12:33 PM   #10
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I think I know how you feel. After chemo and my ooph and supposedly all of my treatment decisions had been made- I really felt the fight was not over. I wanted to do everything possible- without compromising my quality of life any more than has already been compromised- to PREVENT mets instead of waiting for them to pop up. I also love my onc, he is pretty progressive and really lets me work thru my decisions and gives his input- but never pushy. One day I just told him that since my cancer (triple +, grade3) has the most recurrences the first two years from diagnosis and I am doing fine so far on herceptin (LVEF at 70, minimal side effects) and once you get mets you are on herceptin for life if tolerated, and I am at high risk to recur- that I would like to stay on herceptin for a second year. He said if I want to, I can. I am so committed I just got a port after going a year without one (I am a stubborn woman- love this little port now). I also inquired about adding Tykerb once it is FDA approved- he is all for it. I am also doing the her2 vaccine at Uof W with his blessing.

I have another friend with a similar diagnosis and the same onc. Her comfort level is much different than mine- she had minimal treatment and doesn't want to add anything, or do the vaccine, or do prophylactic mastectomy (bc in her family, not mine, but I had prophy anyway).

So really it is up to you how much treatment you want to pursue. I used to think all of it would give me peace of mind, but now I realize nothing will until they can guarantee a cure. But I really think I want to fight big to prevent a recurr or mets- so much harder to control after recurr happens.

I hope your onc listens to your concerns and you can come up with a game plan that would make you more comfortable!
Are we there yet?

Dx 10/05 IDC, multi-focal, triple +, 5 nodes+
MRM, 4 DD A/C, 12 weekly taxol + herceptin
rads concurrent with taxol/herceptin
finished herceptin 01/08
ooph, Arimidex, bilateral DIEP reconstruction
Univ. of WA, Seattle vaccine trial '07
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