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Old 01-05-2007, 06:50 AM   #8
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Location: Savannah, Georgia
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Hi there. Sounds like Sue is doing about the same as I did. Day 3 was always the hardest and then around the end of day 4 the fog started to clear. By day 5 and 6 I was feeling pretty good, and by day seven, I was at the pool with the kids. It was one good week, then one bad. The good weeks made the bad weeks doable.

I seemed to cry at the drop of a hat, and I'm not usually like that. I got especially depressed on the AC. It is alot of very strong medicine, and your body is stressed as it is, so everything is very unstable. My hubby and friends would have to keep reminding me, "It's the medicine, you're OK. Take deep breaths, clear your mind, be still and wait for it to pass." And you know what- it ALWAYS did. After awhile, when it became very predictable, I could tell myself that and it didn't scare me as much. It always felt so good to wake up on day 5 or 6 and feel like Kelly again. It was like someone just flipped a switch- it was that fast.

Sue is going to handle this just fine, and before you all know it, it will be a distant memory. Looking back on it, it reallly does go by so fast. I'll be thinking and praying for you both.

Love, Kelly

P.S.- It sounds like Sue is getting Neulasta-that is a good thing. I got Nupegen (sp?) shots and had to go for them 4-5 times inbetween chemo because my counts were so low. My insurance co didn't want to pay for that one.
dx'd 05/06, 37 years old
er/pr-, Her2+, grade 3
double mastectomy, immediate reconstruction- implants
Stage 2b, 2 tumors- 2.2 cm and 0.6 cm, 3/5 + nodes
all scans clear
genetic testing- negative
06/06 began dd A/C x 4, 12 weekly Taxols w/ Herceptin
30 rads
Herceptin weekly x 1 year
Herceptin completed 08/07
Port removed 12/26/07 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
05/17/08 Two year anniversary NED

"We gain strength, courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... you must do the thing that you think you cannot do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

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