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Old 01-04-2007, 08:28 AM   #1
Kimberly Lewis
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Location: Hilton Head Island, SC
Posts: 279
Angry If I am "extremely high risk for recurrance" why no real follow-up?

I can't understand that when my original Oncologist says something like this why I am sent on my way after my last herceptin treatment with the "you've done all you can" see you in 3 months comment. Am I crazy or is this crazy? The woman who is pushing for CT scans to prevent lung cancer thinks we can prevent something like 80% of lung cancer deaths by early detection. Why not do this for breast cancer patients? They should for any high risk person like a smoker. When I read stuff like this it makes me feel like they expect 50% us to die anyway so that is a acceptable risk. Sorry - I am a little worked up by this but what do we do? Am I the only one not willing to wait around till I have a metastisis?
Thanks for letting me rant...

Diagnosed 7/05
Stage 3a er+(45%) pr+(68%) Her2+ (40%)
3.8 cm + .8cm multi focal - pleomorphic lobular tumors
high grade DCIS
7/20 nodes

positive as of 5/07
surgeries: double mastectomy, hysterectomy (LAVH)
A/C,Herceptin for 1 year completed 11/06

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