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Old 12-31-2006, 01:36 PM   #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Hi Sue,

I was doing some research on Herceptin and cardiotoxicity about a week ago, and came across an article that discussed the possible reasons why it affects some women but not others. Related to that article was an article where researchers thought there was a test that could be administered prior to beginning Herceptin therapy which could distinguish in advance those for whom the drug would be cardiotoxic. I have print outs of these at my office where I will not be until Tuesday, but will edit this thread and post links to where they can be found when I get back there.

Bottom line to me, though, is why aren't we informed of the possibility for these tests before we undergo treatment? I am not someone who expects my insurance company to pay for every last test that I want to have, and I understand why doctors don't just order them as a matter of routine, but I do think that everyone should be told not just the general risks but that there may be a way to determine in advance what the particular risks are for them, and the decision as to whether or not to have (and/or pay for) the test be left up to the patient. This becomes yet again an informed consent issue for me. I just don't think we are getting all of the available information we need to be truly informed before we agree to these treatments.

I hope that you are well and heart healthy and enjoy a Happy New Year.

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