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Old 12-28-2006, 02:09 AM   #7
Margi MacMaster
Posts: n/a
Catherine- I too am ER/PR neg and Her2 pos and new at this- would love to hear

Hi Catherine
I am new to this completely and on a different continent so hope this works!!!..and would love to hear from others in similar circumstances.
I am also 58 years- diagnosed with Grad 111-Breast cancer in August 2006.... which had spread to lymph glands- 10 positive out of 28 (3.5-4.5 cms) removed...They were unable to identify any cancer in breast even on MRI but surgeon expects its either small and undetected or my ?good immune system eradicated it so no breast removal.. ....My understanding is that you do not have advanced breast may still be considered early breast cancer.....the stage and grades are important to note...however.....Metastatic refers to any cancer that has the true sense of the word,,,,the risk for me is there is a chance of recurrence.. hopefully not so!! .in view of the Grade and size of cancer in my case it is considered stage 11B (early) need to look at size of nodes.
I have completed four cycles (three weekly) of AC treatment (adriamycin + Cyclophosphamide) and started Taxotere and Herceptin two weeks ago (and have three more cycles ) and then 25 radiotherapy sessions to superior clavicular area and right breast and then ongoing Herceptin, all being well for a total of 12 months.....So far have been able to work ...probably 75% of normal- but normal for me was 12 hour days running a medico-legal business and so cut back hours especially one week post chemo.... as was hard to see injured/disabled clients then. Interestingly the last treatment was tougher than the A/C regime for me as I had painful joints and felt like spikes in all orifaces....unsure if it is cortisone effect or Taxotere.....fortunately painful joints dissipated after about eight days post chemo but still feel very tired...and am hoping I can manage the remaining chemo better than this last seems to become more managable when you know which medication you can take to assist the side effects..and pace yourself and keep positive.....the chemo is healing hopefully.....I would love to hear if others have had the same experience as me. I also have had the metallic taste only since last chemo and that is unpleasant....any remedies...I brush my teeth with moisterising toothpaste/gels use mouthwashes, biacarb mouth rinses and tried Nexium--the latter probably the best to date.
Keep smiling and enjoy every day!!
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