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Old 12-21-2006, 07:17 PM   #20
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 9
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I am 46 years and dx in August of 2006, Her2 pos, IDC with pos lymph nodes, Stage IIA. I am post menapausal. I finished 4 A/C and am currently taking Taxol and Hercepton for 12 weeks.

I tested negative for the BRAC1 and 2 genes.

I have a deep family history going back 3 generations. I am the 4th generation, (at least as far back as I know)

My mother was dx at the age of 36 in 1972. She had a recurrence in her 4th year and passed away 7 years later at 47. Her uncle, was dx with breast cancer at a old age and pass away from it and his mother, my great-grandmother also had breast cancer at a young age, yet lived to be 80 and died from another cause.

Needless to say, I have been wondering about my mother's illnesss, I was young at the time and don't know much. It been over 22 years and my father doesn't recall much. I've thought about inquiring about her records, but don't know what that would solve even if they have them.

I am mindful that my mother lived 11 years, it was not easy, yet I have hope that if our cancers are the same or similiar that with all the new meds, I can beat this or at best enjoy a long life.
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