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Old 12-16-2006, 08:51 AM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 182
Hi Mindy;

no my counts have not dropped, but they were never low during the chemo either. It does take a very long time for your body to fully recover from the chemo and some people seem to continue to have low counts while on herceptin. Hopefully your counts will recover once you finish with the herceptin.

As to the hasimoto's I have only used synthroid so far. FYI- I find that my mood/emotions seem to be highly influenced by my T4 levels. I find that if my thyroid function decreases dramatically then I tend to get really cranky and angry at the smallest little things and I have difficulty sleeping. I and my husband have learned that if I start acting like a "you know what with a capitol B", which is not my normal personallity, then it's time to get my thyroid funtion tested. So far each time they increase my synthoid dose my general mood improves and stablizes. So don't assume that if you feel emotionally unstable that it is necessarily related to having to deal with the cancer thoughts all the could just be your thyroid hormones which are easy to correct.

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