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Old 11-11-2006, 09:25 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Atlanta
Posts: 87
No small miracle...

Hi All~
This is the FIRST place I wanted to share my news...Okay, I did call my mom first...
2 weeks of a multitude of tests revealed 4 new breast tumors-1.5cm-6mm. I spoke w/the 2 radiologists and my surgeon before leaving the imaging center & the BreastMRI/Mammo/US/Core Biopsy left little question that my disease was invasive again.

However, I just got the pathology report back that shows the sample is BENIGN!!!
Wha? Whoa...WHA???
Not since I started this "Stage IV-4surgery-81 weeks of chemo-not counting solo Herceptin-in 4 1/2 years-Journey" have I ever had the thrill of hearing the word "BENIGN"!

My Story~
Primary Dx:May'02, 33 years old, StageIV-Liver Mets.
L Lumpectomy+49 weeks of chemo = NEDx1year, Herceptin solo
Sept'04 -Recurrence to liver-Single, otherwise NED
On/Off chemo x 1year = 81 weeks chemo in total
STILL fighting off Single Stubborn Lesion
Dec'05 -Right Hepatectomy to FINALLY excise lesion
Feb'06 -Mammo reveals extensive,HighGrade DCIS in L breast (not present@
primary dx) + 1cm invasive mass
Excisional biopsy to remove invasive mass,but no add'l surgery
to allow for more recovery time from BIG Liver sx

We've been vigilantly watching the DCIS, with Breast MRI's & full body PETs(all clean),until this round of scans found all that mess-4 new masses + more pervasive DCIS.
I've had since February to anticipate the inevitable, but not happy about another Big surgery,through the Holidays again, and back on chemo

Imagine my shock, surprise, thrill, joy, SHOCK, skepticism, JOY when the Rn called me w/the results from the path! She says they're all stunned (but happy) by the report & are going to Tumor Board w/my case.
My disease has been so uncharacteristic,bad, good, even backwards.We're writing our own rules as we go.
I'm going ahead w/mastec&recon, but we're less "under the gun" now. And that is a great relief!
I still feel a little like I'm waiting for "the other shoe to drop", but am able to find some relief in the joy & gratitude for this "little miracle" & had to share it with all of you!

SurvivING this disease for any one of us is a VICTORY for ALL of us.

Keep the Faith~


Last edited by jessica; 11-11-2006 at 09:40 AM.. Reason: typos
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