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Old 11-04-2006, 10:01 AM   #12
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 52
Tom, so very glad to hear about your mom. Thanks for sharing. If only 'they' researchers knew what worked best for each. The alternatives your mom was using are ones that are being researched for the cancer pathways they presumably block.
What about of curcumin was/is your mom taking and how often? How much green tea does she drink? How about the Inoxitol hexaphosphate (sp?)
It wasn't too long ago that I read something about one of the common forms of childhood leukemia that was 95% fatal 20+ years ago. Those stats are supposedly now reversed--only 5% fatal and 20% 'curable' or able to go into remission (not sure which, although I think I read 'curable').
What allowed this involved the use of already existing treatments that were given in different ways--such that the different pathways were blocked. Perhaps this may be what happened with your mom?
I hope that this positive path continues for your mom. Wishing her all the best!
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