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Old 11-02-2006, 10:52 AM   #5
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I had terrible sinus and ear problems while on Herceptin.

I had to have a brain MRI and see a neurologist because my left pupil would dialate and my eyesight would become blurry for 5 to 12 hrs. This happened about 4 times. I was finally diagnosed with ocular migraines.

I also had to go to the ER because of a benign vertigo problem. It was explained to me, that my ear was so inflammed that it caused one of the celia (I think that is the correct name) to fall into the canal which made me dizzy for about 48 hours.

I am sure that Herceptin was the culprit of both of these problems.

Problably what you are experiencing is being caused by Herceptin, but just to be on the safe side and for some piece of mind, why don't you have an MRI. You will feel better when you get the good results.

Hope this helps.

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