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Old 10-28-2006, 10:57 AM   #14
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keeping the cath

My portacath hasn't been used for treatment for 4 years, but it made sense to me as a HER2+++ to keep it.

I get blood draws every 4 months now that I pay for the nurse in my PCP's office to draw, as my effort to continue in 2 clinical trials that use the blood to try to find better markers for breast cancer and ovarian cancer. If I go to my internist's office in Alaska for the draws it also provides the chance to have the portacath flushed to keep it working.

But if I need a lab drawn at the hospital the lab techs are not qualified by training to access it. And if I happen to be at the office for the clinical trial in Seattle instead for a draw, the people doing the draw for the clinical trial won't use it either, and I am not too happy about that.

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