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Old 10-13-2006, 07:10 PM   #1
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Lost a special member of my family

I haven't posted this week. Early Sunday morning, October sons best friend, and a second son to me was killed in a car wreck, they had been drinking. He was 18 years old. My son Cory had just gotten out of the jeep 10 minutes prior to the accident because of my insistance that he come home early. The jeep they were in flipped over about 6 times and landed in a deep ditch. Michael was killed instantly, he was the passenger. The driver, a 17 year old friend of my son is now being charged with vehicular homicide and will serve jail time. Michael was the sweetest kid and was such a support to me when I was diagnosed. He would get in the bed with me and talk to me for hours. I was having a deep self pity party when this happened. This has made me realize that even if this disease does someday take my life, I will have at least had the time to tell my friends and family that I love them and have time to say goodbye....Michael didn't have that chance. I feel that an angel was watching over my soon that night and I thank the Lord for it. Life is so fragile and it makes no sense as to who goes first, every day is a gift...sherryg683
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